I have some games already purchased on Xbox One. Games Like Witcher 3 and GTA5. But Due to Lack of Internet speed I was not able do download those large game at my home. And I want to download games file from my Offer PC. So my question is: How to Download already purchased xbox game on PC? After Searching on Internet I managed to find the process of transferring game data to XBox One from PC.
Xbox One Download Game And Restore Free
How to Transfer Xbox One Games and their Game Save Files. It’s easy to transfer Xbox One games and Xbox One game saves to continue where you left off. A hard drive is the best way to transfer Xbox One games you download from Store on a weak internet connection. This method doesn’t force you to download the game and game save you need.
2 Answers
Download Purchased Games Xbox One

You cannot download games on the PC and then transfer them to the Xbox One.
You can transfer game data, that is, save games for your profile, from the PC to the Xbox One. However, this process is automated and requires no intervention on your end.
Download Game Pc

I have found these steps on Web:

- Attach an external hard disk to Xbox and make it default
- Download about 1 MB of your game and pause it, then unplug hard disk from Xbox
- Attach hard disk to PC and in PC mode open it in explorer (by XBOX One External Storage Device Converter )
- You will see three new files there:
- First file is a huge file that is game data (partial because paused ...). file name is important
- Second file is xvi file, I don't know what that is, maybe download progress is stored in it.
- The third file is about 1 KB
- Open notepad and drop the third file into note pad. Remove extra spaces with replace command. Two links to game data from Microsoft servers is there.
- Now you can download it with PC
- After download completed, rename it to the first file and copy to external HDD and delete the other two files
- Enable Xbox mode, remove HDD from PC
- Before attaching HDD to your Xbox, begin downloading the game again on Xbox (internal HDD) and pause it again
- Attach external HDD to Xbox and go to my games and select manage game. You will see the game twice, one on internal that is partial and second on external that is complete with full game size displayed
- Cancel the internal installation
Move or copy game from external to internal
- Steps 9 and 11 can be omitted